Abuelo Castro

Humberto Castro Rodriguez, better known as Castro, likes to tell stories of his life. He has many happy memories of his hometown of Puerto Vallarta. He was able to get a full education and is proud to say he earned a bachelor's degree in accounting.

He moved to Ensenada to find a wife, and he did. When that marriage failed, he searched for a new partner and found his second wife. Between his two marriages, he raised four children. He worked full time for the fire department as the Deputy Fire Chief to support his family.

His story takes a dark turn when he talks about his addiction. Little by little, he lost everything to drugs including his relationship with his children. After hitting rock bottom, he finally got himself the help he needed and reclaimed his sobriety with the help of the Lord.

Abuelo Castro was only at Casa del Abuelo for a few months while he made arrangements for permanent housing with a friend. Because of his life experience he wanted to share this advice, “Beware of drugs. Don't abandon your kids. And save money for old age. Old age is hard.”

Adopt an Abuelo

Casa del Abuelo cares for more than 20 abuelos at a time. They operate entirely on donations to cover expenses for water, propane, gas, food, transportation, and medicine. For $50 a month you can help provide these essential items for an abuelo.

Adopt an Abuelo Now!


2351 Sunset Blvd Ste 170-134
Rocklin, CA 95765
